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Disciplemaker’s Prayer

Deut. 6:1-9, Mark3:13-14; 12:30-31 Matt. 28:18-20, John 17:20,. Acts 1:8, 1 Cor. 4:16-17

Heavenly Father, 
Thank you for giving me a disciplemaking way of life in Christ Jesus. As I go through every part of this day, help me to love you and love the people who cross my path-starting with my family. Don't let me miss the adventures you are sending my way to live and speak the Good News about Jesus today. Draw my heart to you and to specific people you want me to pull close for Jesus-like disciplemaking friendships. By your Word and Spirit, transform me into a follower of Jesus who loves you, loves people, and makes disciples-who make more disciples, ad infinitum. 
-In Jesus' name, amen.
To order printed cards or Kavanah Coasters that feature the disciplemaker's prayer we invite you to visit our cadre store. Want to get started going deeper with disciplemaking? The Disciplemaker’s Living Guide is available for immediate download as a made for iBooks Living Guide or in a printed edition
If you’re a disciplemaking friend who aspires to live and multiply disciplemaking friendships—while drinking coffee—this is especially for you and this.

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